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Amended Classification of One-Time Transactions and New Processing Time for the Issuance of ONETT Computation Sheet and Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration

On 17 February 2023, the Bureau of Internal Revenue (“BIR”) issued Revenue Memorandum Circular (“RMC”) No. 23-2023 amending the provisions of RMC 48-2018 on the classification of One-Time Transactions (“ONETT”) and its corresponding processing time for the issuance of ONETT Computation (“OCS”) and Electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (“eCAR”), to align with the BIR Citizen’s Charter 2023 Edition, to wit:

ONETT Transactions


Total Processing Time

Sale of Real Property / Shares of Stocks - Processing and Issuance

a. OCS


7 working days

b. eCAR


7 working days

Donation of Properties - Processing and Issuance

a. OCS


7 working days

b. eCAR


7 working days

Estate of the Decedent - Processing and Issuance

a. OCS

Highly Technical

20 working days

b. eCAR


7 working days

The total processing time specified above is computed on a per application basis. Please take note that the procedures in the issuance of OCS and eCAR stated in the BIR Citizen’s Charter 2023 Edition still applies.